23 September 2014

I decided recently to try to use JRuby to help me use Ruby-based libraries as plugins in a Java application. This is pretty easy to do if your Ruby code makes use of the stock modules included in JRuby. However, what happens if the Ruby scripts need to access other libraries that typically would be found in external Ruby Gems? One answer is to use Gradle, JRuby and the Spring Framework to automatically download, package and discover these dependencies at build and runtime. Another way to put it is that we have three distinct operations that we need to perform in order to get all of this playing nicely together:

  1. Use Bundler to find, download and install all required Ruby modules at build time (Gradle + JRuby)

  2. Package Ruby modules with Ruby script(s) in JAR file (Gradle)

  3. Auto-discover packaged Ruby modules at runtime and add them to the "load path" of the script that is to be executed (JRuby + Spring Framework)

  4. Execute the script (JRuby)

Let’s start with the first task: Use Bundler to find, download and install all required Ruby modules at build time. To accomplish this, I decided to use custom tasks in a Gradle script to first install Bundler and then use Bundler to install any required Ruby modules found in the project’s Gemfile. This Gradle script also needed to be able to copy the installed Ruby Gems to a directory that would ensure their inclusion in the packaged JAR file. Below is the script:

import groovy.util.AntBuilder

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.jruby:jruby-complete:1.7.13'

jar {
    from ("${project.projectDir}/src/main/ruby")

dependencies {
    runtime project(':shared')

sourceSets {
    main {
       java {
          srcDir file("${project.projectDir}/src/main/ruby")

 * Installs Bundler to the project's build directory.  Bundler is used to
 * install any Gems required by this plugin.
task installBundler(type:JavaExec, description:'Installs Bundler') {
    args = "--2.0 -S gem install -i ${project.buildDir}/bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri bundler".tokenize()
    classpath = project.buildscript.configurations.classpath
    main = 'org.jruby.Main'
    environment = [HOME:System.getProperty('user.home'),
                    PATH:['/usr/local/bin', '/usr/bin','/bin','/usr/sbin','/sbin'].join(File.pathSeparator)]
    workingDir = project.projectDir

 * Installs the Gems required by this plugin to the project's build directory.
 * This task uses Bundler to perform the Gem installations.
task installGems(type:JavaExec, description:'Installs all required Gems via Bundle.', dependsOn:'installBundler') {
    args = "--2.0 -S bundle install --path ${project.buildDir}".tokenize()
    classpath = project.buildscript.configurations.classpath
    main = 'org.jruby.Main'
    environment = [GEM_PATH: "${project.buildDir}/bundler",
                    PATH:["${project.buildDir}/bundler/bin", '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/bin','/bin','/usr/sbin','/sbin'].join(File.pathSeparator)]
    workingDir = project.projectDir

 * Moves the installed Gem files from the project's build directory to src/main/resources
 * so that they will be included in the packaged JAR.
task packageGems(dependsOn:'installGems') {
    doLast {
        Properties props = new Properties()
        props.load(new File("${project.projectDir}/src/main/resources/META-INF/notification/${project.name}.plugin").newDataInputStream())
        File parent = new File("${project.projectDir}/src/main/resources/${props.getProperty('plugin-name')}/gems")

        // Normalize each installed gem directory name and move it to src/main/resources
        new File("${project.buildDir}/jruby/1.9/gems").listFiles().each { file ->
            processSourceFiles(parent, new File(file, 'lib'))
            File vendorGems = new File(file, 'vendor/gems')
            if(vendorGems.exists()) {
                vendorGems.listFiles().each { vendorFile ->
                    processSourceFiles(parent, new File(vendorFile, 'lib'))

project.tasks.installBundler.outputs.upToDateWhen { new File("${project.buildDir}/bundler").exists() }

def processSourceFiles(File newParent, File rootDir) {
    File newRootDir = new File(newParent, rootDir.getParentFile().getName())
    new AntBuilder().copy(todir : newRootDir.getAbsolutePath(), quiet:true) {
        fileset(dir: rootDir.getAbsolutePath())
    newRootDir.eachFileRecurse { rubyFile ->
        if(rubyFile.isFile() && rubyFile.text.contains('require_relative')) {
            def builder = new StringBuilder()
            rubyFile.eachLine { line ->
                line = line.replaceAll('require_relative\\s+\'\\.\\/(.+)\'', 'require_relative \'$1\'')
                def matcher = line =~ /require_relative\s+'((\.\.\/)+).+'/
                if(matcher.find()) {
                    def numberOfParentDirs = matcher[0][1].split('/').length
                    def actualParent = rubyFile.getParentFile()
                    numberOfParentDirs.times { actualParent = actualParent.getParentFile() }
                    actualParent = actualParent.getAbsolutePath().minus("${newRootDir.getAbsolutePath()}/")
                    line = line.replaceAll('require_relative\\s+\'(?:\\.\\.\\/)+(.+)\'', "require '${actualParent ? "${actualParent}/" : actualParent}\$1'")

A couple of things to point out. First, the script uses JRuby in custom Gradle tasks to execute the Ruby-based commands. Second, the script recursively walks through each of the installed Ruby Gems to properly normalize any require_relative statements into absolute paths. This is necessary as JRuby does not handle relative paths in included Ruby Gems very well (or at all).

At this point, running ./gradlew build on this project will produce a JAR file containing any Ruby scripts found in src/main/ruby, as well as any required Ruby Gems installed by the script. The next step to use a Ruby-based plugin in a Java application is to use JRuby to execute the script. I’m not going to go into all of the details about wiring that up, as the JRuby tutorials cover this pretty well. Instead, I am going to focus on how to extract the required Ruby Gems that we included in the JAR and make sure that they are available to our Ruby script(s) when JRuby executes them. To accomplish this, I decided to make use of the Spring Framework's PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver to auto-discover the included Ruby Gems and add them to JRuby's load path:

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.jruby.embed.ScriptingContainer;
import org.springframework.core.io.Resource;
import org.springframework.core.io.support.PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver;


final String pluginName = "test-plugin";

final PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver patternResolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();

final Resource[] dependencyGemResources  = patternResolver.getResources(String.format("classpath*:/%s/gems/**/*.rb", pluginName));

final Pattern dependencyGemPattern = Pattern.compile(String.format("^classpath:\\/%s\\/gems\\/([a-zA-Z\\-\\.0-9_]+)/.*$", pluginName));

final ScriptingContainer container = new ScriptingContainer();

final Set<String> loadPaths = new HashSet<String>();

// Add the JRuby-provided Ruby 2.0 modules to the load path

// Add any required dependency Gems for this plugin to the load path.
for(final Resource resource : dependencyGemResources) {
    final Matcher matcher = dependencyGemPattern.matcher(resource.getURI().toString().replaceAll("^jar:file:\\/.*\\.jar!(.*)$", "classpath:$1"));
    if(matcher.find()) {
        final String resourceName = String.format("classpath:/%s/gems/%s", pluginName, matcher.group(1));
        if(!loadPaths.contains(resourceName)) {


The snippet of Java code above makes use of the PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver from the Spring Framework to scan the classpath and find all .rb files under the /<plugin name>/gems path. From this list, the URI of each (which is relative to the JAR file) is converted into a classpath-friendly string that JRuby understands and then added to the list of paths for JRuby to load prior to execution of the script. At this point, if a Ruby script is executed via the ScriptingContainer with the properly configured load paths, any references to required modules that are packaged in the plugin’s JAR file will be found and the script will execute just as if it were run via Ruby.

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